What Is A Bro Split? How To Make It Effective

Man placing a weight onto a barbell

There are a variety of training split methods. But if you are a beginner, and you’re asking yourself, “What is a Bro split” and want to decide if the Bro split method is for you, let me reveal all you need to know.

A “bro split” is an exercise routine that isolates certain muscle groups on specific days of the week. It typically involves training a select area of the body, such as the chest, on a Monday, the back on a Tuesday, etc. Each muscle group is trained with 3-4 exercises to target all major heads of the muscle for maximum growth.

Some principles must be applied when using the Bro split for the routine to be effective since you only train muscle groups once a week, such as the structure of the Bro split and how many sets you should do in a Bro split.

Once you understand these principles, you can decide if the Bro split is right for you!

Do I need a rest day using the Bro split?

Man takes a rest during a workout at home.

A bro split requires rest days to help muscles recover and limit fatigue. Because of the structure of a bro split, it is a very demanding workout split on your central nervous system throughout the week, so it is critical to plan two rest days where you can.

Since you target each muscle group only once a week, each targeted area supposedly gets a week’s rest. However, these muscles may also assist with other targeted areas on different days.

So this is not the main reason for needing rest days.

These rest days help your body recover and maintain energy levels since you constantly work at a high intensity daily.

And then a massive reason for rest days is to avoid fatigue in the central nervous system (CNS). The CNS controls muscle movement and force, which means when the CNS is fatigued, you will see a decrease in strength and power as your muscles cannot generate enough force.

The exact number or when to take rest days will depend on individual preference, but taking two days per week is recommended.

Can I do cardio on rest days?

Man running on a treadmill in the gym.

Doing some form of low-intensity cardio is great to do on rest days. Active rest days in which you do some form of walking or fun activity with friends or family will greatly impact your body’s ability to recover faster.

Evidence from studies shows that working your muscles again for a short amount of time and at a low intensity, such as working with resistance bands, will heighten the process of muscle building since it’s creating blood circulation in those areas and triggering muscle building signals to the central nervous system. 

Taking a break from the gym to do something different is integral to staying motivated and allowing your body to take a break for the day, especially for those who do not want to be in the gym six days a week.

Remember that rest days are also important for your mental state. 

How do you structure a Bro split?

When planning your routine, it is essential to factor in rest days and recovery time for each muscle group.

Many exercises utilise several muscles that might not be the session’s focus. For example, the deadlift targets the hamstrings and glutes but also works the lower back, which you will be train on…

You guessed it – back day. 

So this will impact how you structure your Bro split routine.

A weekly Bro split routine generally looks like this:

  • Monday – Back
  • Tuesday – Chest
  • Wednesday – Active rest day
  • Thursday – Legs
  • Friday – Shoulders, biceps and triceps
  • Saturday – Cardio
  • Sunday – Rest

There are several variations for a Bro split, and you should organise your plan according to what fits you the best.

Many people follow the back day with shoulders and legs on a Thursday, or you can combine shoulders and arms to fit in a cardio session.

How many sets should I do in a Bro split?

Man sitting and resting with a dumbbell.

The number of sets you should do in a Bro split will depend on the individual and their goals.

According to Dr Huberman…

To maintain muscle, you should aim to perform at least five sets per week (for advanced people); in training for muscle strength and growth (for beginners), up to twenty sets per week.

Science of Muscle Growth, Increasing Strength & Muscular Recovery | Huberman Lab Podcast #22

How long should a Bro split workout be?

Since you are only working on one muscle group, Bro split sessions do not have to be prolonged sessions.

A Bro split workout can generally last for as little as 40 minutes and up to 60 minutes, depending on the length of rest periods in between each set.

Now that you know how the Bro split works, there remain several questions that I will cover in the rest of this blog post to help you decide if the Bro split is the best method for you with the following topics:

  • Is a Bro split enough to build muscle?
  • Pros and cons of a Bro split for beginners
  • Why is it called Bro split

Is a Bro split enough to build muscle?

Man tensing his bicep.

While there is much debate in the fitness industry about which split is the best method for muscle gain. Studies and anecdotal evidence clearly show that using the Bro split can help with of muscle.

A study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found no difference between groups that participated in High-Frequency Resistance Training v Low-Frequency Resistance Training regarding building strength and lean muscle mass.

However, while it is a beneficial training method if you are looking for the most optimal method of gaining muscle, I believe there is a more optimal routine – full body workout.

Pros and cons of a Bro split

The bro split can provide excellent results if done correctly; however, as with any training method, the Bro split has pros and cons.


  • Allows for high-intensity training on one muscle or muscle group
  • High volume
  • Shorter session time
  • Greater recovery time


  • Greater training volume on upper body v lower body – Training imbalance
  • More days required in the gym
  • Less adaptable
  • Sub-optimal method

Why is it called Bro split 

The name originates from a community of recreational bodybuilders who used this training split routine and were known as “bros”.  

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