Your guide to a healthier, stronger you

About Us

Fitness is for everyone!

MPH has a goal of helping men who currently live unhealthy lifestyles take back control of their health and fitness and become the best version of themselves.

It is the mission to push back on zero-value quick-fix health and fitness gimmicks, inspire men to take action and positively transform their lives by offering coaching programs based on industry best practices, designed for long-term sustainable success.

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Men’s Health Tips: A Guide to Looking and Feeling Great

Men’s Health Tips: A Guide to Looking and Feeling Great

When it comes to men's health, there's more to it than just looking good in the mirror—though that's a nice perk! Taking care of your body and mind is like looking after a classic car ... It requires regular servicing, a bit of tweaking, and giving it the right fuel....

How to Tell If You’re Gaining Muscle & Losing Fat

How to Tell If You’re Gaining Muscle & Losing Fat

Knowing the signs of gaining muscle and losing fat isn't always clear to everyone. And tracking your fitness progress can often feel like navigating a maze without a map. Unfortunately, this uncertainty can lead to ... frustration, demotivation, and even a desire to...

Is Creatine Good For Losing Weight | All You Need To Know

Is Creatine Good For Losing Weight | All You Need To Know

When you're on a weight loss journey, you might ask, "Is creatine good for losing weight?" Creatine is often associated with muscle gain and bulking. This might make you hesitant to use it if you aim to shed body weight. But the reality is more complex. Creatine might...

Read more on how to be fit and healthy