How to Tell If You’re Gaining Muscle & Losing Fat

Knowing the signs of gaining muscle and losing fat isn’t always clear to everyone. And tracking your fitness progress can often feel like navigating a maze without a map.

Unfortunately, this uncertainty can lead to …

frustration, demotivation, and even a desire to abandon fitness goals altogether.

And this can happen at a time when you’ve made massive progress in building muscle and shredding body fat.

So, in this guide, we’ll explore the key signs that show you’re successfully gaining muscle while losing fat.

What is The Difference Between Muscle Gain And Weight Gain?

Gaining Weight

Muscle gain refers to increased muscle size, whereas weight gain can be due to increased body fat, water retention, or muscle mass.

Signs of Progress

Two signs that indicate your gaining muscles and losing fat are:

  1. You’re increasing strength
  2. Your Body Composition is Changing

You’re Increasing Strength

So, a good sign of whether you’re building muscle is if you feel stronger. Now, I understand that this can be subjective, and maybe you don’t feel stronger than before …

But how can you tell for sure?

Well, if you can do any of the following three things …

You’re gaining muscle.

You can lift heavier weights

Placing weights on barbell

If you have followed the advice of many personal trainers, then you know that …

they will tell you to log what you lift in each training session.

And this is a great example of why!

You can look back at your notes and see your progress in lifting more weight. This is a clear sign that you’re getting stronger.

On the other hand, if you see that for the last couple of months, you’ve not been increasing the weight …

Then, this shows that you’re not gaining strength (depending on the other signs).

Your muscles are more defined

One of the easiest ways to determine if you’re losing weight and either gaining or at least maintaining muscle tissue …

It is to look in the mirror.

Now, if you do this every day, then it is more difficult to spot the small changes. However, looking in the mirror every few weeks will help you spot any changes …

And keep you assured of your progress.

If you’re losing fat, then your muscles will look more defined.

You’re noticing improvements in your athletic performance

When you perform movements with free weights, it’s not all about trying to lift as much weight as possible.

Lifting with the correct technique is crucial.

The correct technique allows you to:

  • Reduce the risk of injury
  • Make the most gains from your lifting
  • Build good coordination skills

If you are improving your technique, you can also start increasing the weight or the number of repetitions.

You can perform more reps

So, I’ve mentioned that lifting more weight is a good sign for building muscle. Another is doing reps.

So, if you were previously lifting for ten reps, you then increase that to eleven or twelve.

To perform those extra repetitions means that you must be getting stronger.

Your Body Composition is Changing

Body composition refers to the different parts that make up your body, such as:

  • Muscles
  • Fat
  • Bones
  • Water

Understanding your body composition helps you see how much of your weight comes from fat versus lean muscle.

Your body fat percentage is decreasing

As I mentioned earlier, you can see signs of gaining healthy weight …

Such as a lean body mass increase when looking in the mirror.

However, you can also use measuring equipment, like …

Skinfold callipers to measure your body fat percentage.

But this might only be practical for some, so I recommend viewing yourself in the mirror.

But if you want to go that extra mile, this is another good way of doing it.

Although, be aware that using skinfold callipers will not be 100% accurate.

Your clothes don’t fit

Oversized Pants

Has this happened to you before?

You’ve been consistently exercising for a few months, eating fewer calories than you burn …

You get up one morning and put some pants on that you’ve not worn for a while …

And realise that the pants are slipping down – And you now need a belt with these pants!

This obviously means you’ve lost weight and have a Lower Body Fat Percentage.

You’re noticing improvements in your health and well-being

Improvements in your health and well-being can be strong indicators of successful weight loss and muscle gain.

As you adopt a healthier lifestyle through regular exercise and proper nutrition …

You may notice enhanced energy levels, better sleep quality, and increased mental clarity.

These changes often stem from the body becoming more efficient in its functions. This reflects an improved metabolism and hormonal balance.


You might experience reduced feelings of fatigue and improved mood thanks to the endorphins released during physical activity.

The combination of these factors can be a strong sign of fat loss.

How Long To Notice Fat Loss and Muscle Gain?

The timeline for noticing fat loss and muscle gain can vary from person to person.

The reason for this is the influence factors such as:

  • Initial fitness level
  • Diet
  • Exercise intensity
  • Genetics

Generally, individuals may start to observe subtle changes in their body composition within three to six weeks of consistent effort.

While the scale does not always reflect fat loss, improvements in muscle definition …

Can become clear as your body adapts to your new exercise routine.

A commitment of three to six months is often required for more noticeable changes. This allows enough time for muscle growth and fat loss development to become established.

Is It normal To Lose Fat Before You Gain Muscle?

It is expected to lose fat before you gain muscle. Especially during the initial stages of a new fitness routine.

When you begin exercising, your body often prioritises shedding excess fat as it adapts to increased activity levels. This initial fat loss can occur for a variety of reasons…

Including the body’s need to tap into its fat stores for energy during workouts.

Furthermore, if you focus on cardiovascular exercises, weight loss is more apparent to see …

As you’re not trying to build muscle through resistance training.

As you continue your routine, incorporating strength training will gradually increase muscle mass.

It’s essential to remember that muscle growth takes time and often involves fluctuations in body composition …

While fat loss is often noticeable first, before muscle development, depending on your diet!

How To Track Progress When Trying to Gain Muscle and Lose Fat

Tracking your progress means that you’ve got evidence of gaining muscle and are on your way to your desired weight.

So tracking your progress can help with motivation, but also …

Knowing if you need to adjust your diet and workout plans.

Let me give you an example of why these might need adjusting.

Imagine a beginner starting resistance training …

And his calorie intake was at maintenance at the beginning of his new routine.

Then, three or four months later, after building more muscle …

Due to an increase in metabolism (through training and adding muscle), the original level of calorie maintenance would have increased.

If he continued consuming the same number of calories, he would actually be in a calorie deficit.

This would make it more difficult because building muscle mass depends on a calorie surplus.

With regard to the need to adapt your training, it is normal to eventually hit a plateau.

This happens when you do the same routine all the time.

To avoid this, change aspects of your training at the appropriate time. These changes can include:

  • Increasing the load
  • Decreasing rest periods
  • Performing more repetitions
  • Increasing the number of sets per week

And vice versa when it is time to de-load.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

There are many mistakes that men make when trying to determine whether they’re gaining muscle while losing fat. These mistakes can include …

Not tracking

One big mistake is not tracking their workouts and meals properly. If you don’t keep track, you might think you’re making progress when you aren’t.

Only tracking progress with scales

Another mistake is relying only on the scales. The number on the scale only tells part of the story. You can weigh the same but look different, especially if you gain muscle and lose fat.

Only lifting heavy weights

Also, some people focus too much on lifting heavy weights and need to remember about proper form. This can lead to injuries or less effective workouts.

Not listening to your body

Lastly, many people forget to listen to their bodies. If you’re feeling too tired or sore, it might be time to rest or change your routine. Avoiding these mistakes can help you see real results!

Gaining Too Much Fat While Trying to Build Muscle

Gaining too much fat while attempting to build muscle is a common mistake that can hinder progress …

And negatively impact your health.

Focusing solely on increasing calorie intake to achieve a surplus often leads to overeating unhealthy foods that are high in empty calories.

This not only promotes fat gain but also diminishes the benefits of hard-earned muscle.

Increased body fat can contribute to health issues, like:

  • Insulin resistance
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Increased risk of chronic diseases

Moreover, carrying excess weight can make it more challenging to perform exercises. Thus limiting growth potential and leading to a cycle of frustration.

Maintaining a more balanced calorie surplus, focusing on nutrient-dense foods, and regularly monitoring body composition can ensure …

Muscle gain occurs with minimal fat accumulation. This leads to a healthier and more sustainable approach to fitness.

Consuming Too Many Ultra-Processed, High-Sugar Foods is Bad for Gaining Muscle

Ultra-processed, high-sugar foods are detrimental to muscle gain for several reasons.

Firstly, these foods are often stripped of essential nutrients and can lead to poor dietary choices. When relying on such foods …

Individuals may miss out on vital vitamins, minerals, and proteins necessary for optimal muscle growth and recovery.

Additionally, high-sugary foods can cause rapid spikes in insulin …

Which might lead to increased fat storage rather than muscle synthesis.

Overconsumption of these types of foods can also result in energy crashes, affecting workout performance and motivation.

Ultimately, a diet rich in whole, nutrient-dense foods is crucial for supporting muscle growth and health …

As it provides the necessary building blocks for recovery and enhances physical performance.

Key Takeaways | Recognising Signs of Losing Body Fat While Gaining Muscle

Men can look for several signs to know if they are losing body fat or gaining muscle.

One of the first signs is a change in how your clothes fit. You might notice that your pants feel looser around the waist …

While your shirts become tighter in the arms and chest.

Another sign is an increase in strength. If you can lift heavier weights or do more reps during workouts, it’s a good sign of muscle growth.

Additionally, monitoring body measurements like waist size and muscle circumference can provide clear evidence of positive changes.

Lastly, improved energy levels and better performance in physical activities also show that your body is transforming for the better.

Monitoring these signs can help you stay motivated on your fitness journey!

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