Can Walking Help To Lose Weight: 6 Tips To Increase Your Step Count

When taking steps to improve my fitness, I started walking regularly to achieve that goal. But can walking help to lose weight?

If you want to know if walking can help you burn those extra pounds, look no further! This blog post will not only give you the answer but also provide you with more valuable insights.

Get ready to discover how walking can contribute to your journey of losing body fat!

Walking is a great way to help lose weight, as walking increases energy expenditure. The amount of weight loss walking delivers depends on your nutrition. Still, if you have a regular workout routine and eat well, walking will contribute to fat loss but also has additional health benefits. 

Since walking is a low-impact exercise, anybody can incorporate walking into their daily routine. However, how far you need to walk to lose excess body fat depends on your walking speed, weight, daily physical routine and, as mentioned earlier, diet.

So let’s take a look at those variables so that you understand what you can do to walk your way to a slimmer you.

Topics covered:

  • Realistic weight loss from walking only
  • Health benefits of walking of walking
  • How much does a person need to walk daily to lose weight?
  • Can a person lose belly fat by walking?
  • Easy ways to increase your walking step count every day
  • How Many Calories Can You Burn Walking?
  • What do I do if I can’t walk for 30 minutes at a time?
  • Treadmill Walking Workout

Realistic weight loss from walking only

I want to be clear, if the only physical activity you do is walking, then it is likely that, while you can lose weight (subject to your diet), it will be a slower decrease than if you incorporated some weight training.

According to a study, subjects participating in a pedometer-based walking program can expect to lose 0.05 kg a week (2.2 kg / 5 Lbs over a year).

While this is not huge, it shows that walking successfully produces weight loss.

As well as contributing to reducing total body fat, by itself or in combination with other exercises to increase fat burning, walking also offers other health benefits.

Health benefits of walking

Walking is not just effective for shedding excess weight, but it also brings a ton of additional health benefits.

To start with, consistent walking can aid in the reduction of various heart-related conditions, including high blood pressure and high cholesterol, by improving cardiovascular and pulmonary (heart and lung) fitness.

Furthermore, it enhances bone density, reducing the risk of osteoporosis and fractures.

Walking can also uplift your mood and lessen your risk of chronic mental health disorders like depression, anxiety, and stress, courtesy of the endorphins that are released during physical exercise.

For people suffering from type 2 diabetes, regular walking can help regulate blood sugar levels and improve overall diabetes management.

How much does a person need to walk daily to lose weight?

The consensus among health experts – and I am sure you have heard this before – is that aiming for 10,000 steps per day is a healthy goal for most adults. This translates roughly to five miles per day.

While the number of steps will vary from person to person, using the 10,000 steps as a daily target is a good baseline.

It will contribute to increased energy expenditure, essential for weight loss.

Suppose you are unsure how to keep track of the number of steps you take in a day. There are plenty of watches you can buy that track them for you, or install a phone app that will also count your steps.

Fitness tracker watches include:

  • Fitbit Inspire 2
  • iGank Simple Walking Pedometer
  • Fitbit Versa 3
  • Polar Ignite

The more distance you walk – the more calories you burn.

So don’t stop at 10,000 steps if you can do more.

Walking at a reasonable speed, compared to a stroll, will burn more calories due to the higher intensity.

But do not feel you should walk like a madman on a mission.

Walking at a brisk pace of moderate intensity is enough physical activity to burn body fat.

This means you should be able to hold a conversation but breathe heavier than usual.

You will get the most out of your walking workouts with a well-balanced diet and other fun physical activities.

At the end of the day…

While you might improve your cardiovascular fitness, you will not lose fat if you consume more calories than you burn.

This means your diet should aim to be in a calorie deficit.

If you want to change your body composition by increasing muscle mass or build strength, then ensure your exercise routine includes regular weight training.

How many times per week should you walk?

The U.S. Department of Health recommends walking more than 30 minutes daily to avoid gaining weight …

And advises 60 minutes of walking at a moderate to vigorous intensity each day.

Everyone will be different, depending on how much free time you have, other amounts of exercise you do and how much you like walking.

Suppose you do not take part in any physical activity. In that case, it is advisable to walk for at least 30 minutes a day, seven days a week.

Since walking is an aerobic exercise, it will improve your cardiovascular fitness and help reduce the chances of heart disease.

If you exercise regularly, then walking every day, while it will not do you any harm, is not necessary.

Instead, you should go ahead and adopt a walking routine which you schedule on the days that you do not work out.

Not only will this keep you active each day, but walking on rest days will also provide an active recovery element.

Can a person lose belly fat by walking?

It’s important to remember that spot reduction or aiming to lose fat in a targeted area isn’t possible.

Body fat tends to reduce uniformly throughout your body.

Walking can help you reduce belly fat, but …

If walking is the only exercise you do while in a calorie deficit, the progress will be slower than high-intensity exercise.

A note to keep in mind: abdominal fat is usually the last place where you will lose body fat. So, you will need consistency and patience to see results.

Easy ways to increase your walking step count every day

Increasing your daily walking step count is a daunting task.

But in reality, you can achieve this through simple lifestyle adjustments.

Here are a few easy ways to increase your walking step count every day:

1. Take the Stairs

You can swap the elevator or escalator for the stairs whenever you can. This gets you moving, which means more calories burned throughout the day.

2. Park Further Away

You can try parking your car a little further away than usual. Whether at work, the grocery store, or the shopping centre. Those extra steps to and from your destination will add up.

3. Walk While You Talk

If you find yourself on the phone often, you can use that time to walk around. Whether at home or work, pacing while on the phone can boost your step count.

4. Break Time Walks

You can use your breaks at work to take a quick walk around the office or outside. Not only will this help increase your step count, but it’s also a great way to clear your mind and refresh.

5. Family Walks

Make walking a family activity. After dinner, a short walk with the family can aid digestion and provide an excellent opportunity for bonding.

6. Early Morning Walks

Wake up 20 minutes earlier, slip on your trainers and walk before work. This is an excellent time for walking and lets you listen to your favourite podcast.

Remember, every step counts when you’re on a mission to lose weight through walking. These simple ideas can impact reaching your goal of 10,000 daily steps.

How Many Calories Can You Burn Walking?

On average, someone who weighs 180 pounds can burn approximately 100 calories per mile when walking at a moderate pace.

So, by achieving the recommended 10,000 steps a day (roughly 5 miles), such a person could burn around 500 calories.

It’s important to note that this can vary based on individual metabolic rates and the intensity of the walk.

But, maintaining consistency in your walking routine is essential for weight loss.

This makes walking a convenient, cost-effective, and low-impact exercise option for men seeking to lose body fat.

What do I do if I can’t walk for 30 minutes at a time?

Don’t panic if you find it challenging to walk for 30 minutes straight. You can cut it down into smaller segments.

For example, if the amount of time you have is restrictive, you can walk for 10 minutes three times each day.

Or you physically cannot walk for 30 minutes straight at this moment. In this case, start walking for 10 minutes and gradually walk longer as your fitness improves.

Alternatively, you can intersperse your walking with short rest periods. For instance, walk for 5 minutes, rest for 1 minute, and repeat.

Over time, you’ll find that your stamina and ability to walk longer distances will improve. Remember, consistent and gradual progress is the key to achieving your weight loss goals through walking.

Treadmill Walking Workout

Many people use the treadmill not just for running but also for walking. I sometimes walk on the treadmill for a few minutes as a gentle warm-up before a gym session.

Using the treadmill for your daily walks and to hit your step count target is an option you can consider.

So here are the pros and cons of treadmill walking.

Pros Of Treadmill Walking

Treadmill walking offers several advantages when it comes to weight loss.

Firstly, it allows for the customisation of your workout.

You can adjust the treadmill’s incline to mimic walking uphill for increased intensity. Or use the flat surface for lower intensity.

Secondly, at some point, you thought about going for a walk, but then the heavens opened up with rain. At which point you decided to stay at home.

Walking on a treadmill is not dependent on weather or daylight hours, providing convenience and flexibility.

Lastly, modern treadmills often have features that allow you to track your progress, such as distance covered, calories burned, and heart rate.

While these are not 100% accurate, they can give you a rough idea of specific metrics. Assisting you in staying motivated and on track with your weight loss goals.

Cons Of Treadmill Walking

Treadmill walking can become monotonous over time compared to outdoor walking, which offers changing scenery and terrain.

It can lead to less active engagement of the muscles if you use the same settings without variation.

Owning a treadmill can be costly, requiring a fair amount of space within your home.

Also, the social element of walking outside with friends is gone when walking on a treadmill.


Whether you are new to exercise or a seasoned veteran, walking could be your secret weapon in the battle against the bulge.

Walking on a treadmill or outdoors is simple, accessible, and effective for men seeking weight loss.

Achieving the recommended 10,000 steps daily can aid in burning calories and shedding pounds.

You don’t need to walk for the recommended 30-60 minutes daily in one go.

Breaking it down to three 10-20 minute walks is effective. Providing more flexibility in fitting your walks around your daily life.

Treadmill walking offers the advantage of customisability, convenience, and progress tracking.

However, it can become monotonous and potentially discourage muscle engagement diversity.

The walking speed and distance will influence the number of calories.

But the most important thing is to maintain consistency in your walking routine.

Remember that every step taken brings you closer to your weight loss goals.

Keep walking!

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