About Us

The mission is to push back on zero-value quick-fix health and fitness gimmicks, inspire men to take action and positively transform their lives by offering coaching programs designed for long-term sustainable success.

When you consistently work out, keeping your body strong and healthy, the more likely you will enjoy:

  • High self-esteem
  • High levels of confidence
  • Ability to perform physical activities
  • High level of mental well-being

And the reality is – being fit and healthy does not require fancy workout routines or specialised temporary diets.

So Men’s Practical Health has a goal of helping men who currently live unhealthy lifestyles take back control of their health and fitness and become the best version of themselves.

Men’s Practical Health was started with one unique mission:

To reignite men’s fitness and health.


Founded in 2023 by Gary Williams, he was inspired after experiencing his own temporary low with health and fitness…

But after coming out of that period mentally and physically stronger than ever, Gary also saw many issues that concern men so much clearer.

The amount of pressure that you, as a man, may go through in life and the constant expectation to live up to hypocritical and unrealistic expectations can take its toll on anyone.

And after noticing, while visiting the U.K, that so many men his age and younger appear to neglect the most important thing – keeping their bodies healthy …

Gary decided to take action and use his knowledge through his Personal Trainer qualifications and personal experience …

To help men who want to transform their health and fitness for the better.

Meet The Coach

Gary Williams

Founder of MPH

Down to earth individual who has been dedicated (as a former professional athlete) to the world of sports, health and fitness for the majority of his life. Gary founded Men’s Practical Health while also working full-time as a P.E teacher and is passionate about helping men strive to be their very best. When not working, you’ll find him shouting at the T.V (scaring the cat and dog) while watching football.

The Aspiration

To give guidance and support to as many men who want to change their lives around and are ready to take action to regain:

  • A good level of fitness
  • Improve mental well-being
  • Feel more confident

So, I am currently creating an online personal training program that takes a forward-thinking and practical approach to men’s fitness and health.

Designed to deliver long-term and sustainable success where you will always value taking care of your health & fitness – And not just a short-term fix.

In late 2024 or early 2025, MPH will launch the pilot online personal training program to make staying fit simple. The program will enable access whenever and wherever you are to make it easier to achieve your fitness goal.

If you want to participate in the exclusive pilot program, testing it for free before its official launch, sign up below now and be among the first to experience the future of men’s fitness and health.

Your feedback is crucial in making the program as helpful as possible to others. We value your input, and it’s an integral part of our program’s development.


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